178VOLUMEN 34(2) Nº 178
Clinical Exercise Physiology: The role of exercise physiology in chronic diseases
Luis Franco Bonafonte
Kinetic closed chain isokinetic values in football players: Pilot test
Pavel Loeza Magaña, Wolfgang Fritzler-Happach, Joaquin Barrios-González
SummaryPeak oxygen uptake prediction in overweight and obese adults
Eliane A. Castro, Rocío Cupeiro, Pedro J. Benito, Javier Calderón, Isabel R. Fernández
SummaryDo the changes in acid-base status and respiratory gas exchange explain the voluntary termination of a test performed above the maximum lactate steady state?
Ana B. Peinado, María I. Barriopedro, Pedro J. Benito, Francisco J. Calderón
SummaryValidity of blood lactate measurements between the two LactatePro versions
Iñaki Arratibel-Imaz, Julio Calleja-González, Nicolás Terrados
Sleep improvement in athletes: use of nutritional supplements
Fernando Mata Ordóñez, Antonio J. Sánchez Oliver, Pedro Carrera Bastos, Laura Sánchez Guillén, Raúl Domínguez
SummaryReview of generic aspects about adapted physical activity in the person with spinal cord injury
Miguel Á. Capó-Juan, Miguel Bennasar-Veny, Antonio Aguiló-Pons, Joan E. de Pedro-Gómez