Mauro Darío Santander, Horacio Eugenio Anselmi, Gastón César Garcia.
SummaryEl objetivo de este estudio fue comparar en jóvenes futbolistas federados, la velocidad en un esprint de 30 metros en diferentes edades. También se compararon los tiempos empleados en dos fases (segmentos 0 a 10 metros y 10 a 30 metros), de acuerdo a la edad. Material y método: 505 futbolistas masculinos fueron medidos con el test de 30 metros, en un rango de edades entre 11,0 y 16,9 años. Fueron divididos en 5 grupos de acuerdo a la edad cronológica. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas (peso corporal y talla parada).
The objective of this study was to compare in young federated soccer players, the speed in a sprint of 30 meters in different ages. The times used in two phases were also compared (0 to 10 meters and 10 to 30 meters) was analyzed according to age. Material and method: 505 male soccer players were measured with the 30-meter test, in an age range between 11,0 and 16,9 years. They were divided into 5 groups per chronological age. Anthropometric measurements (body weight and size) were analyzed.