117VOLUMEN 24(1) Nº 117
The relative age effect in football
José Manuel González Aramendi
Analysis of plantar pressure pattern in gymnasts during land in different mats
Pedro Pérez Soriano, Salvador Llana Belloch, Enrique Alcántara Alcover
Recording medical care in high-level competition fencing
Ezequiel R. Rodríguez Rey
Physical and physiological aspects of tennis competition (II)
Jaime Fernández Fernández, Alberto Méndez-Villanueva, Babette Pluim, Nicolás Terrados Cepeda
Electromyostimulation training parameters and chronic effects on muscle function (II)
J. Azael Herrero Alonso, Olaia Abadía García de Vicuña, Juan Carlos Morante Rábago, Juan García López
El rincón de la imagen
Rhabdomyolysis in amateur cyclist
Pedro Manonelles Marqueta, Mercedes Roca Espiau, Javier Mota Martínez, Pedro Corona Virón, Esteban Jiménez Ayllón, Javier Álvarez Medina, Luis Giménez Salillas
Articulo especial
Individualized mouthpiece for he practices it of the snorkling in the sea and the pool
Juan José Arana Ochoa
Strees fracture of the vertebral articular facet in a competitive tennis player
Jaime Roca Burniol, Miguel Iborra González, Josá María Cavanillas Walker, Laura García Nuño
Kinanthropometry: body composition and somatotype of football players whose physical activity is performed in teams of the Autonomous Region of Madrid
Ángel Herrero de Lucas
El arte en el estadio
R. Balius i Juli